Introducing: Lindie Blackwell, Hair Stylist from Ontario

Lindie Blackwell has been in the industry for 8 years. She has won several awards as a hairstylist and is very talented at her craft.

It was a pleasure e-interviewing her for this post 🙂

Mirror Awards 2009
Image credits: Photography-Babak, Hair-Lindie Blackwell

AVIVA: What inspired you to become a hair stylist?
I’ve always been drawn to hair fashion… Runway hair, avant garde hair and hair competition, even from a very young age. When I was in high school I did my Co-op in the salon I used to get my hair done at. They were avid competitors and used me as a hair model, after seeing all the behind the scenes excitement of a platform hair competition I was sold! And so began my hairstyling obsession.

AVIVA: What is the most exciting thing about your job?
The most exciting thing for me right now is my position as North American Guest Artist for Goldwell. I am a member of their inspiration team which consists of approximately 30 incredibly talented stylists from all over Canada and the US. We travel across North America teaching other stylists in our Goldwell academies, private salons as well as teach the season’s collections on stage at trade shows. It’s a pretty amazing experience!

Mirror Awards Colourist of the Year/ Contessa Finalist 2009
Image Credits: Photo-Babak, Hair-Lindie Blackwell

AVIVA: What do you believe are some of your best achievements in this industry (competitions, etc)?
In 2009 I won the Mirror Award for Colourist of the year…. that was such an awesome night! I’ve been a finalist in both the Mirror Awards and the Contessa’s three years in a row now. I’ve also been very fortunate to have had my work published in many hair magazines over the years.

AVIVA: Besides hair styling, what are your other passions/interests?
I love fashion, make up and photography… All that encompasses the beauty industry. I’m often reading high fashion magazines from Europe to look for new trends.
I am also a competitive horseback rider as well. If I’m not doing hair you will usually find me hanging out at the barn riding my horses.

Image credits: Photo-Babak, Hair-Lindie Blackwell

AVIVA: What are some of your favorite hair products to use?
KMS Makeover spray: Such an amazing product to refresh hair instead of having to wash it. It is a photoshoot must!
Goldwell Stylist Exclusive Hairspray: Wicked dry hairspray for keeping those avant garde styles in place.
Goldwell Nice Balance: Best all around blow dry lotion out there.
So many more but my list would be ridiculously long.

AVIVA: Do you have any advice on how to eliminate frizzy hair?
Use a good quality blow dry lotion and/or thermal styling spray.
Always keep good even tension on the hair when round brushing.
Do not over style the hair once it is already too dry or you will get frizz and static.
Always use good quality tools… brush, blow dryer & flatiron

AVIVA: If money/time were no option, what is(are) your ultimate career goal(s)?
I would do different photoshoots every day. I honestly never get tired of being on set. Hanging out with my photographer Babak is always a fun time. We have a great working dynamic together and I always learn something new when I am there.

AVIVA: Do you have any additional comments?
I really love my job!

I wish Lindie all the best in her career and would like to thank her for sharing her passion with me. You can see more of Lindie’s work on Model Mayhem, and website.


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