Some Background Information about me

I was born in Russia on March 1, 1990. I moved to Canada with my family at a very young age and grew up in Grande Prairie, Alberta.

While in Grande Prairie, I spent my time doing homework and was highly involved in athletics and other extra-curricular activities. I was involved in the following: art club, badminton, basketball, cross country running, downhill skiing, track & field, volleyball, rock climbing, gymnastics, school council, as well as various volunteering and fundraising events.

When I was younger, I wanted to pursue a career in long distance running. I was introduced to a professional coach, Bill Corcoran from the Wapiti Striders Running Club as well as a nutritional expert. My commitment to long distance running allowed me to come out on top at the ASAA Zone Championships for 4 years in a row and receive MVP in Track and Field in my high school.

At 17, I decided to take on an even bigger challenge: to run the Emperor’s Challenge Half marathon up Mount Roman. My coaches advised me against it because the farthest I have ever gone was 10k. However, I insisted that I wanted to commit myself to a training routine that would allow me to compete in the run. I completed the run and finished 4th/169 female participants, many of whom had much more experience.

The same year I did the run, I had to move to a small town in British Columbia.Unfortunately, that also signified the end of my career as a semi-professional athlete due to an injury. However, I continued to excell in academics and athletics earning an Athlete of the Year Award, Top Academic Award, and Governor General’s medal in my last year of high school.

I am fluent in English and Russian, as well as proficient in Spanish. I also studied Hebrew and German.

I relocated to Victoria to go to university on a large scholarship. It is there that I began modeling and found my passions. I am also interested in acting, fitness, photography and make-up artistry.

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