What is Revitol plant based phytoceramides?

Revitol is a two-part anti-aging formula that will transform your skin into a younger, healthier and more beautiful version of itself. You can see a more detailed ingredients list here.

The first part of the system is the supplement, which has been approved by the FDA based upon brand-new studies. These new supplement consist of the Doctor advised 350 mg of plant based phytoceramides that are vital for skin regeneration and hydration.


The most vital ingredient in this product is the Derma Phytoceramides supplements. These are needed to promote ceramides levels, which are very important lipids found mostly in young skin and are missing in older skin.

Therefore, taking the supplement will help replenish those lipids, helping the skin re-hydrate, restore Elastin and make your skin look more youthful within weeks.

The second part of the system, which is the Revitol Anti Aging cream, is full of specifically formulated ingredients to provide you with healthier and much better looking skin that is visually noticeable in 4 weeks or less.


Water the first ingredient on the list and it’s a big part of removing wrinkles and getting skin hydrated again from the outside in.

Skin Tightener ST causes collagen shrinkage and dermal regeneration, helping the skin become tighter. Hyaluronic Acid is a component of connective tissue that adds strength and flexibility. If you are looking to learn about the rest of the ingredients, click here.





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